Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blog Entry 15 Final In Class Essay

Kevin Loayza
Final-In Class Essay
                                 What Doesn’t Kill You Only Gets You Fatter
Obesity is a one of the most controversial issues in the United States. Obesity can be very tough on children due to the fact that children are the most vulnerable in such situations. I believe the reason for the vast increase of obesity in children in the United States comes from the lack of parental nurturing. Parents should take full responsibility when it comes to keeping their children in healthy standards. Parents obviously don’t have bad intentions and don’t mean to cause health and image problems on their children. It’s just that parents lack the knowledge and education on obesity. Parents need a different approach when it comes to keeping their child healthy and fit.
Most parents would argue that fast food chains who market these meals to kids are the main cause as to why their children are obese. I would believe that most parents don’t want to recognize that due to their lack of advice their child isn’t in healthy standards. Most parents don’t realize that fast food is cheap and unhealthy. This is a contributing factor to the amount of obese children in the United States. It’s not the fast food chains fault that they want to make more money off your children; it’s your fault as parents to guide your child on the right direction. You just don’t leave your child to wander off on his own; you have to show them the way. It’s like teaching a child to walk. You guide him but you never leave him out of your sight knowing the consequences that perhaps he/she can injure themselves. Same goes for keeping a healthy and positive diet in order to prevent any consequences from happening, in this case obesity.
Parents should also stay fit themselves. This gives an example to the child as to why being fit benefits. The child most likely is motivated to stay fit probably because ‘he wants to be just like daddy”. . A lot of it can also be because some parents don’t have the discipline to eat right themselves so they don’t push their children to. That’s why it is as important for the parent to motivate him/herself in order for the child to acknowledge that staying fit is the right way to go. Children usually look for an admirer. They want to be like somebody and in most cases they want to be like their parents. So if the parent is obese, this influences that child to be obese as well and vice versa. I would encourage parents to guide themselves first so then they can have some experimenting to do on their own and then afterwards would the parent encourage the child to maintain a certain nutritional balance/diet.
Parents can simply acknowledge to their children on the many dangers of being overweight and why it is the wrong direction to go. It’s kind of hard to convince a child not to eat junk food because of how cheap and tasty they are. According to CDC, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Could this be because families don’t have homemade meals as much as before? Many families have both parents that hold careers and simply don’t have time to cook. A child may not have much homemade meal’s as before, but a child can stay healthy if he stays active rather than sit all day on a couch playing video games. A well intentioned parent can maintain control over these fast food companies. My mother for example, every day will make my younger sibling a lunch meal because she is well informed that the school food can have a lot of unhealthy options. As an obese child at age 12, I was largely influenced by my father who is much overweight than average. I basically developed the same eating habitats as my father, but it was my mother who influenced me that I wouldn’t be around for long if I kept eating what I was eating. My mother would take me out for a jog in the morning, refusing to go, I felt a spark of motivation one day that told me I can do it.

It’s the simplest encouragement of a parent that helps convince his/her child that he/she can do it. Parents need to stop blaming fast food companies and be strict in maintaining a healthy fit child. Parents need to be take responsibility and take some time out of their lives to ensure that their child is healthy. Parents need to inform themselves on the dangers that obesity can have.

Blog Entry 13 - Research Paper

Kevin Loayza
Professor C. Jason Smith
2 December 2013

                                                       Eat It ? I Can't Even Pronounce It
 Have you ever wondered if the food we are eating is not eating us instead? According to researchers, most people in the United States don’t realize that they have been eating genetically modified organisms since the early 1990’s. So what exactly is a “Genetically modified organism?” Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are plants or animals created through a gene splicing technique of biotechnology also known as genetic engineering. This experiment merges DNA from different species creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial, and viral genes that cannot occur through natural breeding. Although there is not much studies on genetic engineering due to the fact that genetic engineering hasn’t been around for so long, it has become evident and noticeable that genetic modification has certain effects for the long run. The main purpose for genetically modified organisms is to create food products more efficient and faster mainly for profiting purposes. I believe GMO’s can have unpredictable effects that can be harmful for human consumption and the environment as well. But why are GMO’s hazardous for human consumption and our environment?
By mixing the genes of totally unrelated species, genetic engineering creates a new host; an organism that can cause unpredictable health defects.  Therefore, the whole process of this creation can be very damaging, causing new allergens, carcinogens, toxins, and nutritional deficiencies. In 1996, after GMO’s were introduced, the number of health problems escalated. Years after, Americans that were diagnosed with three or more chronic illnesses had increased from 7`% to 13%. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) recommended doctors to prescribe non-genetic modified diets to all their patients. The AAEM examines on animals and humans to ensure related or unrelated health effects. Animals that were given genetically modified food products revealed many health defects such as organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, infertility, and accelerated aging. Genetically modified food products given to humans showed results that can cause long term effects due to the waste material left behind in the body. Genetically modified plants such as soybean, corn, canola and cottonseed for example, all have the possibilities of transferring DNA genes of bacteria and viruses to enter the body. Most of the inserted genes that come from bacteria and viruses have never been within the human body system. With new bacteria’s and viruses entering the body, this can result in many more infections that the human body has never been introduced to. Genetic engineering can create new bacteria’s and viruses that can evolve inside the genetically modified product as well. When a bacteria or virus evolves, it makes it more effective and tougher to overcome. Food allergies affect 5% of children and 2% of adults in the United States. Allergic reactions in humans occur when a harmless substance known as an allergen, enters the body and stimulates an immune response. The immune system is designed to eliminate any substance that isn’t recognized by the human body. The concern about genetically modified products containing these allergens is that these allergens could have evolved to be more effective causing a stronger resistant allergic reaction. The immune system would have to defend against these unstable allergens more frequently making the immune system function more than it needs to. Another effect that genetically modified foods is that it produces toxins that are unhealthy for human consumption. Most plants produce substances that are toxic for humans, but at low toxic levels that don’t produce any critical health effects. Researchers have concluded that when inserting an unrelated gene into a plant, many alterations occur in the newly modified product. If the plants genes are damaged during the process of genetic modification, it is likely that the plant alters the genes of the toxins making the toxin levels higher than usual. This can be extremely harmful for human consumption and can affect the individual later on in his/her life. A genetically modified plant is more likely to have less nutritional quality than its original counterpart mainly because the newly modified food product doesn’t have the same nutrients and proteins available as the original food product. For example, phytate is a compound found in seeds and grains that combines with minerals and makes them unavailable to humans. A genetic food product with this inserted gene could cause the plant to bring out higher levels of phytate, decreasing the nutritional value of the plant. Studies show that a strain of genetically modified soybean produced lower levels of phytoestrogen compounds, believed to protect against heart disease and cancer. In the past recent years, many health professionals have been aroused by the increasing number of bacterial strains that show resistance to antibiotics. Bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics by creating antibiotic resistant genes through natural mutation. Biotechnologists use antibiotic resistance genes when inserting new genes into the plant. Scientists then wait to see if the plant survives. If it does scientist can conclude that the plant has taken up the antibiotic resistance gene along with the desired gene as well. Scientists are concerned that the bacteria living in the guts of humans can pick up the antibiotic resistance gene from a genetically modified plant before the DNA becomes completely digested. This can make several bacteria more deadly than it already is. Many researchers have argued at the fact that genetic modification was introduced to the public without enough knowledge on the effects that can occur of consuming modified food products. Not only has it affected the individual, but it has affected our environment as well.
      It is inevitable to try and eliminate all relations of genetic modification in our environment. Most people don’t realize the severity that genetic engineering has on the environment. Genetically modified crops have been proven to harm many life forms and possibly affect our very own food chain. Genetically modified crops can harm soil organisms, birds, insects, amphibians, including the whole marine ecosystem! Genetically modified crops are one of the many reasons that will result in the extinction of certain life forms. For example, studies show how genetically modified crops are taking over the habitat of monarch butterflies. The population size of these butterflies has declined 50% in the United States. It’s not the plant itself that is affecting the environment but the insecticides and herbicides that are being sprayed on the plants. Round-up herbicide, a chemical sprayed on a plant in order to eliminate certain weeds, contains a certain substance known as glyphosate. Round-up herbicide has shown to be related to organ damage, embryonic deaths and endocrine disruptions in animals even at very low doses.  Glyphosate, round up’s main active ingredient, is the most used herbicide in the United States. It. Too much glyphosate within a certain organism can produce certain nutritional deficiencies and systemic toxicity. This eventually leads to chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, Autism,  Parkinson’s disease. Researchers have studied that genetically modified crops cross pollinate and their seeds can travel. This is a danger because once an engineered gene enters another species of crops, it creates “Super weeds” requiring larger amounts of toxic pesticides in order to keep the plant alive. 100 million pounds of herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides are sprayed each year into our plants not knowing the long term dangers that come along with it. 
  The truth always comes out sooner or later, and we as individuals must take certain actions and preventions in order to maintain a good healthy life. After all, we do have the right to know if our food is being contaminated with hundreds of chemicals just so that these large companies can make a quick extra buck. You may be wondering, what can I do to prevent from eating genetically modified food products? One way you can prevent from eating a genetically modified food product is to check for labeling. 100% organic products have a non-GMO project verified seal which ensure that no genetically modified ingredient has been placed in the organic product. Milk for example, must have labels of no rBGH, rBST, or artificial hormones to be certified as organic. It’s best to avoid food products that don’t have any labeling because it’s more likely that the unlabeled food product contains some sort of ingredient that has been genetically modified. The Non-GMO Project has many guides and tips to avoid and identify genetically modified products. If you don’t want to use these helpful tips, you can simply become your own farmer. My father for example, plants his tomatoes and grape seeds naturally without spraying any chemicals. The only struggle in this process, is maintaining the plant in good conditions and frequently washing the plant so that any insects, bacteria or viruses don’t interfere with the growth of the plant. Many debates have aroused as to the labeling of genetically modified food products. California has enforced a Proposition 37, where it states that people should have the right to know what is in their food. As an individual, I believe this proposition should be enforced all over the nation because this will open the public’s eye on the dangers of genetic modification. I wouldn’t want to be feeding my family “fake” food and knowing that it can have severe consequences in the near future. We as citizens should unite in order to contain and perhaps eliminate genetic pollution from getting worse than what it already is.  
Genetic engineering will outlast the effects of nuclear waste and global warming at some point if actions are not taken into account. We should stop these corrupted corporations from bullying us in a sense that we are not being told the real truth about genetically modified organisms. Genetic modification will be a topic that will not be resolved if we don’t do something about it. It’s like rolling a snowball down the hill and it accumulates as it goes further. Sooner or later the snowball will be so large that it will be tougher to overcome. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog Entry 12

i have been researching on the food and drug administration and its defaults in food regulation.
i usually ask myself a question:
is the food and drug administration corrupted ?
does the fda do more harm than good ?
depopulation ??????

this question helps me better understand what the food and drug administration is willing to do to ensure that food products are sanitary and healthy,which is not much . i dont believe that the food and drug administration is truly enforcing necessary means tom keep food products harmless ,
ive looked more into infections within many food products such as salmonella , hormones (mad cow disease), e.coli , pathogens that can be found even in the safest envoirnments
throughout the decades that the fda has been out and regualting , so have the number of national outbreaks increased in the United States .
one main piece of evidence is genetically engineered products . one main food product is the Ge salmon .
Genetically engineered products means a recombinant DNA construct which produces a desireable trait of the product being produced .

im a bit concerned with my introduction .

Introduction i began with :
Have you even wondered if the food we eat is safe and not slowly eating us instead ?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blog Entry 8 NOT DONE

                The government should regulate the advertising of unhealthy food being directed at children. With so much going, we forget about one of the most important issues today in our nation. We don't realize that unhealthy food advertisements are manipulating kids from all ages including myself. Unhealthy food advertisements persuade children into buying their unhealthy products not considering the effects fast food has. The government should regulate the advertising of unhealthy food directed at children because if we keep feeding our children unhealthy food , the mental and physical fitness of a child will be affected. As you know, even obesity is a main concern in the United States which connects with unhealthy food advertisements.  Its an abusive cycle that has been controlling the way we eat as well as where we eat. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blog Entry 5

       Eric Schlosser informs us many issues throughout chapters 1-3 . What most interested me is that now in days children are being targeted by phone companies , automobile companies , as well as clothing stores and restaurant businesses . 25 years ago , only a few of American companies were marketing at children such as Disney , McDonald's , candy makers and toy makers . During the 1980's , the explosion in children's advertisement nationwide was increasing by the minute. The aim of most children's advertising is straightforward: get kids to nag their parents and to nag them well.  Tactics and strategies were used by many smart companies who wanted to keep their business flowing and consistently making money. Ray Kroc and Walt Disney are examples of very influential businessmen who's techniques would service the fast food industry for many decades to come. People should be informed of the intentions and capabilities that companies have towards the consuming population. 
            Ray Kroc and Walt Disney found a beneficial strategy in persuading customers wanting to come back for more. Children would be the new restaurants targeted customers. Ray Kroc in fact was more persuading and influential than Walt Disney , but Walt pioneered the marketing strategy known as "synergy". He signed licensing agreements with dozens of firms, granting them the right to use Mickey Mouse on their products and ads.
 Disney did not only just create one fictional character but dozens that would be advertised all throughout the nation sooner or later. Another way Walt Disney achieved success was in the television episodes of Disneyland were often disguised infomercials, promoting films, books, and toys.
         Walt Disney may have been more tactical in his approach to success but Ray Kroc relied on his wits, charisma, and his instinct for promotion. Ray Kroc had picked the right moment since America was in the middle of a baby boom; the number of children had increased in the decade after World War 2. Ray Kroc stated "A child who loves our t.v commercials" Kroc explained, "And brings her grandparents to a McDonald's gives us two customers." Ray Kroc used his experiences to redefine the fast food marketing business. Ray Kroc knew he had to invent a figure for the corporation, so they created a figure who would later be recognized as Ronald McDonald. The late 1960's expansion of the McDonald's corporation coincided with the decreasing fortunes at the Walt Disney company. McDonald's and Disney World were now competing for top place. 
                 Many researchers have now studied more on children than ever before. The internet has become another powerful tool for assembling data for children. In 1998 a federal investigation of Web sites aimed at children found that 89% requested personal information from kids and only 1% required that children obtain parental approval before supplying the information. This means that kids unintentionally state their favorite preferences and basic information without knowing that companies use this information to decide what new and old products are consumed most or which products are consumed less. Television still remains the primary communication for children's advertising. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had tried to ban ads directed to children of a certain particular age. Michael Pertschuk, head of the FTC, argued that children need to be shielded from advertising that preys upon their immaturity. Micheal stated "They cannot protect themselves, against adults who exploit their present-mindedness." The FTC's banning proposal was voided because it would be impractical, effectively killing the purpose of the commercials. Since then , television advertising aimed at kids is now broadcasting twenty-four hours a day, closed captioned and in stereo. Studies have shown that during the course of a year, he or she watches more than thirty thousand television commercials. Although fast food chains annually spend about $3 billion on television advertising, their marketing efforts directed at children stretch far more than just advertising and commercials. A manufacturer of "playlands" explains the reason why fast food operators build these largely plastic structures. "Playlands bring in children, who bring in parents, who bring in money." says the manufacturer of "playlands". 
            McDonald's had forged alliances with many toy companies to promote their toys with their fast food meals. Two products for a low discount price , perfect way to have customers coming back for more.  Kids would no longer need to eat with boredom because their happy meals now came with their own unique toy. All these promotions had strengthened the film making industry with the fast food industry. In May of 1996, the Walt Disney Company signed a 10- year global agreement with the McDonald's Corporation. Both companies would benefit from our delicious tastes for fast food and our enthusiasm for entertainment. These companies united to gain even more power towards us, the consumers. 
            Many people don't realize how the fast food industry including the film making industry affect the way we live, because after all you are what you eat. Fast food businesses are brainwashing children into thinking that one's business is "the best in town". They promote their companies through advertising, public announcing  and including schools! 
People don't pay attention to how companies forge alliances in order to manipulate what we spend our money on. Just imagine having to eat hamburgers and fries everyday for the rest of your life. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Blog Entry 4 in progress

In chapter 2 "Your Trusted Friends" Schlosser shows us in this chapter the advantages that these businesses had endorsed. Schlosser examines and describes the manipulative skills used by these organizations to target certain groups of certain ages. These strategies would help flourish businesses sooner than expected.  Ray Kroc and Walt Disney are examples of owners who were influential in persuading their customers to return ! Eric explains that Disney's company was recognized globally a while before McDonald's became the most popular company in the world. Eric however states that Kroc was more influential than Walt. Ronald McDonald, McDonald's mascot proved the influences of Kroc and went on to become more recognized than any other fictional character including Mickey Mouse. Eric also refers to the people who tried to start a fast food business rather than the film making business. Eric Schlosser examines and discusses the certain types of strategies that were used by these big organizations. Advertisements that targeted kids was the perfect initiation to prosper in the food industry. The growth in children's advertisements has been driven by efforts to increase not just current, but also future consumption.

Blog Entry 3

     In Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser , Schlosser introduces many fast food industry pioneers and where there are now . There are 2 sides in the fast food industry , either you become successful or you don't. Carl N. Karcher is an example of a successful industry and how it failed . Chapter 1 entitled "The Founding Fathers" reveals a few important pioneers of the fast food industry . Eric claims on how automobiles changed how Los Angeles entirely . In 1940 , 1 million cars were produced and used in Los Angeles , more than 40 states combined . With cars being produced , consumers would no longer need to get out of their cars due to drive-thru's being created in every business. Eric explains the effective strategies that the Mcdonald brothers , one known as the Speedee Service System . This would revolutionize the way we ate a business restaurants.  The fast food process was more efficient and the food was affordable . Many small food businesses wouldn't be able to compete with such low costs and efficiency . There wasn't any need for waiters anymore since most things had machines that made food .All fast food industries were now competing to be the fastest and cheapest . All through Southern California fast food businesses were striving more than ever , opening businesses one after another trying to keep up with their competitors . Eric Schlosser tells us how companies spend millions trying to convince customers to go to their restaurant rather than their competition.